Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today in Gay: The inauguration & ministers, race &, Proposition 8

--> Slate runs down the newly released and expanded list of pastors appearing in Barack Obama's inauguration. Slate also clarifies that the Rev. Joseph Lowery is pro-gay rights, but not pro-gay marriage. Previously, I and a lot of other folks reported that incorrectly. (Apologies!)

--> Bishop Gene Robinson talks to the New York Times about his role in the inauguration, while Rick Warren jabs gay folks and the Episcopal Church in the eye.

--> Atlantic blogger Ta-Nehisi Coates does a great job of debunking the early exit polls and showing, once again, that black voters were NOT the reason Proposition 8 passed. I agree heartily with his call for LGBT Americans to engage the black community in the debate over marriage. The comments to his post are worth reading.

--> Obama's appointments of LGBT folks seem to be building steam. We haven't broken into the sacrosanct inner sanctum of the cabinet, but we are gaining elsewhere. Today's news: John Berry as director of the Office of Personnel Management. For those of you keeping score, we now have five openly queer folk named to the Obama Administration. These also include:
  • Fred Hochberg as head of the Export-Import Bank of the United States
  • Brian Bond as the deputy director of the White House Office of the Public Liaison
  • Nancy Sutley as chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality
  • Mark Dybul, an appointee under George W. Bush, who will stay on as the global AIDS ambassador
--> A study released by Freedom to Marry reports that state politicians who vote for marriage equality do get re-elected.

--> A marriage equality bill goes to the Legislature in Maine. Meanwhile, Indiana heads in the other direction.

--> A Tennessee hotel fires two gay men for the crime of being (a) gay and (b) talking about it.

--> Finally, under the category of Biggest Bummer of the Day, city commissioners in Kalamazoo, Mich., rescind their vote to protect their LGBT citizens from discrimination.

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