Sunday, December 09, 2007

Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison faces serious allegations

By Diane Silver

The Topeka Capital-Journal dropped a bombshell today about Attorney General Paul Morrison that is going to reverberate through Kansas politics for years to come.

If what the Capital-Journal reported is true -- and Morrison has already admitted to some of it -- then the state's new AG has attempted to tamper with a witness in a lawsuit. (And the suit involves Phill Kline of all people!!!) Other bits of alleged wrongdoing range from the sexually lurid to threats and sexual harassment to the downright stupid.

Morrison has admitted to having an affair with a former female staffer, but denies all the other allegations.

What makes these allegations even worse is the fact that they didn't happen a decade ago, but occurred within the last two years. This includes the time period when Morrison has served as AG.

If these allegations are true, then Morrison has broken the law, damaged this state and done much more.

Personally, I'm angry as all get out at a man many of us hoped would help get Kansas back on track. If guilty as alleged, Morrison may well have seriously damaged the effort to put moderates into office. He may well have just given social conservatives the best Christmas present they've had in years.

The details are at the Topeka Capital Journal. The Wichita Eagle has the Associated Press story on this. The Kansas City Star has its own story.

PHOTO: Paul Morrison


Anonymous said...

I've always thought that Mr. Morrison looked too much like Lex Luthor to be elected to public office, and it's no surprise that he turns out to be a Bad Guy.
But when tv stations decide to prosecute their personal vendettas by stalking 15-year-old girls, flying helicopters over people's homes and following the unoffending neighbors of their enemies home from work, decent people with any sense will avoid public life like the plague.

Diane Silver said...

I'm not going to comment on Morrison anymore right now because I have too much steam coming out of my ears at the moment.

The TV station's actions of following children was wrong. On the other hand, the people of Johnson County have every right to know if Phill Kline is breaking the law, just like the people of the state of Kansas have every right to know if Morrison is breaking the law.