The newly elected Democrat from Topeka, Kan., just came back from her first trip to Iraq without any answers.
AP reports:
Boyda, a freshman Democrat who called the Iraq war a mistake when she ran for office, said she continues to favor withdrawing troops but declined to give a specific timetable.“I would not recommend any kind of a rapid pullout,” Boyda told reporters during a conference call. “There are no good solutions to this.”
Some of the folks in Boyda's district are a tad grumpy that she isn't calling for quicker troop withdrawals. Once she campaigned with the slogan "Had Enough?" Now, Boyda is seen as dragging her feet.
Is this a new found sense of responsibility, or is Boyda going back on her word to create change in DC? I don't think anyone has an answer to that, but we'll keep watching.
Cross posted to Watching Those We Chose.
I'm worried. She was for the surge before she was against it. She's refusing the help of the DNC even though she's considered vulnerable. And Run-From-Jim-Ryan is going to announce that he's running for her seat. And you'd think having just returned from the quagmire, she'd realize that Iraq is lost. I can't decide whether she's that egotistical, really naive, or not too bright.
Thanks so much for your comment. I share your concern, but I think it's too early to judge Boyda. I want to see what she does over the next few months. The problem with Boyda may well be that she was always a tad too conservative, but that in comparison to Ryan, of course, that made her a flaming liberal.
I don't know, yet, if refussing the national party's help is a hurt or hinderance. someone over at Daily Kos had a good analysis of this. I meant to link to it, but got buried under work. I'll see if I can find that.
Do you live in Boyda's district?
Yes, I live on the western edge of Lawrence--the section that was gerrymandered in an effort to help Phill Kline unseat Dennis Moore. That all turned out well for Kline now didn't it?
I understand the anti-establishment mentality and wanting distance from the DNC. I guess it's difficult to reconcile Boyda as a grassroots kind of girl. She's trying to talk the talk, but it's hard to believe she's built a network of grassroots supporters. We were all running from Ryan. Fleeing is not the same as supporting.
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