Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello visitors from Prime Buzz! Looking for my posts on Jerry Johnston?

By Diane Silver

The good folks from the KC Star's Prime Buzz blog haven't quite got this linking thing down yet. They are very kindly sending folks to my blog to look for my musings on the Rev. Jerry Johnston, but they failed to link to the actual posts.

My first post and longest muse on Jerry Johnston is here.

A second post reviewing the response of the blogosphere, and particularly Christian bloggers is here.

Prime Buzz is an interesting experiment by The Star. It offers lots of detail and costs an arm and a leg. When last I looked that was $375 per year, and no, that's not a typo. However, you can do what I'm doing and sign up for a free 14-day trial. They do NOT require you to put in your credit card to get the free trial.

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