Friday, November 03, 2006

Kansas: Phill Kline's claim of martyrdom is "baloney"

Former Kansas Attorney General Bob Stephan -- himself a born-again Christian -- is taking the current occupant of the attorney general's post to task. Current AG Phill Kline has recently begun to claim that anti-Christian sentiments are behind his failing political fortune.

Stephan notes what Attorney General Phill Kline ignores -- the fact that his Democratic opponent, Paul Morrison, is also a Christian.

Kudos to The Wichita Eagle for the comments from Stephan and for a marvelous editorial in today's paper. The Eagle writes:
The Eagle editorial board this week spoke with former Republican Attorney General Bob Stephan, who said Kline's attempt to portray his opponents as anti-Christian was "baloney." He said people are turning against Kline "because of the way he's conducted himself."

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