Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bill McKibben sings the Climate Change Blues

My interview with environmentalist Bill McKibben is up on the Progressive web site and also out in the magazine's dead tree edition. McKibben is a fascinating, driven and somewhat gloomy fellow. Talking to him was both exhilarating (as he looked forward to a post-fossil-fuel era) and downright terrifying as he talked about how far we have to go to get there. In honor of the soon-to-be inauguration of Barack Obama, here's one quote about our outgoing prez:
The Bush Administration was precisely the wrong thing at the wrong time
McKibben's climatological bottom line? The human race must change now, as in right this minute, or face a truly lousy future.

1 comment:

Nancy Jane Moore said...

Good interview, Diane. McKibben was obviously a great subject, but you really asked the right questions.