Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why I'm spending so much time on a Kansas story on my national blog

By Diane Silver

I'm sensitive to the fact that often readers from other states turn away from In This Moment because of what they perceive as a Kansas focus. That's why I split the blog into two parts with the new Kansas Voice picking up the load for the local posts.

But today I posted a long item about state politics, and I put it here. I did so because in recent years -- as Thomas Frank proved -- what happens in Kansas matters to the rest of the nation. We have, and are, serving as an early warning system on the religious right.

Not only has the far right perfected strategies here that have later been used elsewhere, but Kansas politicians may well be soon leaping to the national stage. That includes Democrats like Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and right wingers like Republican Phill Kline.

That's why this post is here. I hope you'll stay around and read it.

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