Monday, January 15, 2007

Nancy Jane is on the radio today

By Nancy Jane Moore

I'm going to be on the radio today, reading a short essay called "I Believe in Fiction." It will air during the 11 AM ET hour on WETA-FM (90.9 FM) in metropolitan Washington, D.C., on the local program "The Intersection."

WETA is streamed online. The Intersection website also provides a podcast of the show and the opportunity to listen to individual segments after the show airs.

My essay is also on The Intersection website as a pdf file.

The gist of my essay is that fiction is important in helping us make sense of our lives and the world we live in. If you get a chance to listen or to read the essay, please feel free to comment here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About your graphic . . . what a beautiful radio!