Sunday, December 24, 2006

The silence of Christmas Eve

By Diane Silver

Winter sun and snow, so deep among the trees. There is no breeze today.

The cold freezes my nose from the inside out. The snow fills me with its smell and the sense of being home. The sound of every move is muffled.

Christmas is peace, connection, the quiet to hear yourself think, the silence to feel the divine, or at least it should be.

I have just returned from church, and these are just some of my thoughts as I prepare to welcome my son home for Christmas Eve. We will celebrate with my mother who will soon turn 80. We'll graze tonight on a light dinner of cheese, crackers, a bit of fruit and soup. Tomorrow we'll open presents and then pull together a turkey dinner and share it with a friend.

I'm living in snowless Kansas right now, where I've been for more than 20 years. I grew up in Michigan, though, and this photo reminds me of the silence of the forest and the moments from my childhood when I could feel the divine. The peace of it, the sense of there being more in the universe than I could see or touch, would fill every cell of my body.

May you know peace and love in whatever way holds meaning for you.

Happy holidays to all.

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