Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Crawling up to a tiny red-state approval rating, is NOT a victory for George

I've been a tad slow to report that good old George has climbed up to a whopping 50 percent approval rating in the bull's-eye red state of Kansas. The Jan. 13 poll by Survey USA shows 45 percent of Kansans disapproving of the fellow and 5 percent uncertain. He now has a huge 50 percent approval rating here. Although George is no longer standing in a hole, it can't be good news for him that a state that's supposed to be his biggest supporter can barely stand him. All of which is again why he gave his speech Monday in friendly Manhattan, Kansas. Actually, the White House wanted to guarantee a happy reception so they imported 800 soldiers from neighboring Fort Riley to keep things happy in this supposedly "unplugged" and out-of-the-bubble speech.

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